Makan Makanan Khas Korea di Warung Oppa, PKOR Way Halim
Akhir pekan ada rencana makan di luar nggak nih? Duh ngomongin makanan terus deh dari kemarin he he. Kalau nggak ngebahas resep ya ngebahas tempat makan. Tapi beneran nih, buat teman-teman yang berdomisili di Bandar Lampung dan sekitarnya saya mau share tentang tempat makan yang wajib dimampirin terutama buat penggemar drama Korea, musik Korea, pokoknya yang serba Korea deh.
The ability to eat and the enjoyment of eating are important aspects of good quality of life. In other words, “being able to eat what I want, when I want” makes us feel good. Try to achieve pleasure from tasting small amounts of food, enjoy dining in restaurants, or obtain satisfaction from participating in social occasions. Community and a sense of belonging and taking part in social gatherings are important, whether you are eating food or not.
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